#1 - Knotted Physio Blog - welcome post
Hi everyone, thank you so much for reading the very first post of the Knotted Physio Blog. I’m excited to get this project off the ground and help bring awareness to the struggles and challenges that the everyday working adult has when trying to enjoy the outdoor life. Also, I wanted to spread a little joy and humor along the way.
I wanted to start this blog as a supplement and alternative resource for my podcast "The Knotted Physio Podcast" because I myself, have challenges and encounter many of my family, friends and patients who have similar if not the same struggles. Life gets so busy and we sometimes loose sight of enjoying the outdoors, heck even enjoying the simplicity of life. It seems that every time we make a little progress and try to get out for fun some “problem” comes up with our physical well being and stops us dead in our tracks. The type of fun that I am talking about is enjoying the outdoors. For example, Being able to go fishing, boating, hunting and even for me, obstacle course racing. Whatever outdoor lifestyle makes you happy. Also, I wanted to spread a little joy and humor along the way. With the hectic lifestyle that we have going and all the stuff, we forget to add joy and humor. Sometimes, an outsider looking in, can see the funny side to a bad situation. In healthcare, we call it twisted- or in my case Knotted! So, if you follow me on the podcast, you will find many parallels between the two. One may dive deeper than the other at times. Either one you choose to follow will be great!
I hope that you, the listener, are able to learn tips and strategies to be able to reach your full potential and enjoy what the Gulf Coast Outdoors has to offer. I will go over many of the common areas that stop people from enjoying themselves outdoors and help you come up with your own solutions to get up and go with out fear of pain or limitations! I want this to be a relaxed and informative podcast that can push you forward. I want you to understand the reasons why you are struggling to get outdoors and figure out how to jump past the challenges. Are they self implied, are you living in a viscous cycle, or is there physical problem that needs to be addressed?
A little bit about me: I am physical therapist, wife of an avid outdoorsman, and mother of a teenage son. I have been a physical therapist for the last 19 years. With my time in the field of PT, I have learned that we are all human, including me. Even though I know all the do’s and don’ts for taking care of my health, problems still come up. I cram too many responsibilities into my life and tend to overexert in other areas as well!. I have also realized that this is a common story with many of my patients. Outside of my work life, Like most of you, I enjoy spending time with my family. For me personally, I love nature and the arts! I am drawn to many forms of art: I love pottery! I’ve always wanted to paint- especially watercolor. I love music! I play the flute and dabbled with xylophone when in high school. A part of me wants to learn to sing harmony! I have an adventurous side- hiking and obstacle course racing really excite me. There is just something amazing about the world God created! I hope that I am able to share some of my successes and failures both personally and professionally to keep you on track to staying fit and healthy so you too can enjoy the Gulf Coast Outdoors, or outdoor life wherever you may be!
I'm so excited to have you on this journey with me! If you want to keep up with the content I will be putting out, please feel free to subscribe. Hope you all have a great day!”